Life in this age of advanced technology has many perks. Modern electronic devices make our daily routines much easier, which allows us to do far more than we would be able to without them. For instance, if you use a smart thermostat in your Elgin, IL home, you can control it remotely and it will even learn your preferences.

Programmable Thermostats are Outdated

Traditional thermostats only allow users to adjust the temperature in their homes. With one of these units, you can control your air conditioner and heater, but that’s about it. The capabilities of modern thermostats far exceed those of ordinary programmable thermostats.

Collecting Data and Learning from Your Patterns

One of the main differences between a normal thermostat and a smart thermostat is that the latter can learn from your patterns and adjustments over time. After a while, you’ll no longer even have to set the thermostat yourself.

These thermostats can adjust themselves based on the data they have collected. Another advantage of owning a smart thermostat is they can be controlled remotely using a smartphone or some other wi-fi connected device.

Take a few seconds to think about the amount of money this sort of control and intelligent design could save you. Your air conditioner and heater account for about half of the energy used by your household, so minimizing their use makes a huge difference when it comes to your utility bills.

Upgrade Your Thermostat for More Control and Savings

If you’re looking to upgrade your home’s thermostat, the experts at Ray’s HVAC can help every step of the way. Call us today at (847) 637-5287 to make an appointment or visit our website for more information about our and products.

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