Adding warmth to your home in the winter and cooling refreshment all summer, heat pumps work hard all year to keep your family comfortable in Palatine, IL. Learn how models equipped with variable-speed operation do an even better job at indoor climate control.

Variable-Speed Heat Pumps, Explained

All heat pumps work by turning liquid refrigerant into a gas and back into a liquid. Pressurizing the refrigerant into a hot gas, the heat pump’s compressor plays a key role in this process. In the past, heat pump compressors had two settings: on or off. Operating at full speed or not at all, they consumed a substantial amount of energy.

In contrast, the compressor in a variable-speed heat pump adjusts operation to match your heating or cooling requirements. Sensors tracking indoor and outdoor temperatures trigger the compressor to run at lower speeds on all but the hottest days or coldest nights of the year. This energy-saving technology offers multiple benefits.

Financial Advantages

While variable-speed heat pumps cost more upfront than those with single-stage compressors, they reward you with significantly lower energy bills. They save you even more money down the line. Of all the components in a heating or cooling system, compressors are one of the most expensive to replace. By reducing wear and tear on the compressor, a variable-speed heat pump safeguards your wallet from costly repairs and replacements.

Improved Comfort

As a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, Ray’s HVAC offers the most advanced heat pumps available today. With adjustments ranging from 25% to 100% capacity, their variable-speed compressors adapt output to meet your comfort needs. Their ability to run at lower speeds also makes them better at extracting moisture from the air. That’s a boon to your comfort when humidity levels skyrocket during the summer.

Is it time to upgrade your comfort with a variable-speed heat pump? Celebrating more than 50 years in the industry, Ray’s HVAC is your premier choice for professional installation services. For more information, call us today.

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