Without proper upkeep, your HVAC system may produce more than just perfectly conditioned air. It could also be contributing to unhealthy indoor air quality, and it all starts with dirty ductwork.

What Causes Dirty HVAC Ducts?

A typical residential HVAC system can move over 1,000 cubic feet of air per minute. With so much air flowing through the system, dust and other airborne particulates will inevitably collect. While some particles are filtered out, many are small enough to slip through standard HVAC filters and settle inside your ductwork. Over time, this can create thick deposits composed of dust mites, pet dander, pollen and other allergens. Air ducts can also harbor pollutants from more worrying sources, such as rodents, insects and assorted microorganisms.

How Dirty Ducts Pollute Your Home

As air flows through your HVAC ducts, it doesn’t just leave dust behind. It can also stir up previously deposited particulate matter and carry it back into your home. This can significantly worsen indoor air quality, creating an ongoing source of potentially hazardous particle pollution. Chronic exposure to such pollutants carries a variety of health risks, from asthma and allergies to impaired heart and lung function.

Protect Your IAQ With Regular Duct Cleaning

With so much on the line, dirty ducts are a risk you can’t afford to take. Fortunately, professional air duct cleaning is an easy and affordable way to control particle pollution and create a healthier home environment. Technicians use specialized tools to deep-clean your entire ductwork system, quickly breaking up and removing years of built-up dust. This process should be completed at least every three years, although annual cleanings are recommended for those with asthma or allergies.

Has your family been suffering from discomfort, allergy symptoms and other issues related to the air quality inside your home? Ray’s HVAC has the time-tested IAQ solutions you need, from in-depth air duct cleaning to cutting-edge ventilation and air purification.

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