Depending on the weather, allergy season in the northwest suburbs of Chicago can last from early Spring until well into October. That’s a long time to deal with runny noses, itchy eyes, fits of sneezing and other bothersome allergy symptoms. When pollen counts are high, your home should be a place that offers you relief. Strategies that minimize the number of allergens in your home allow you to enjoy a healthy, comfortable environment.

Leave Allergens at the Door

Pollen is a sticky substance that clings to your hair, skin and clothes. These simple tips can help ensure you don’t spread allergens around your home:

  • Designate a place near the door where everyone can park their shoes and outerwear.
  • Shower and wash your hair in the evening, so you don’t take allergens to bed with you.
  • Wash bedding in hot water and avoid hanging laundry outside to dry.
  • Use a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter to help keep carpets, rugs and upholstery allergen-free.

Use Your Air Conditioner

During allergy season, experts recommend that you keep windows closed and use air conditioning to limit your exposure to allergens. Change the filter frequently to help clean the air. Take a look at the outdoor unit too. Prune back plants to establish a perimeter around the equipment and optimize airflow. Most importantly, schedule AC maintenance before the allergy season bursts into full bloom.

Indoor Air Quality Upgrades

A number of indoor air quality products are available that are highly effective at eliminating airborne allergens like pollen. The best are designed to work in tandem with your central AC system:

  • Installed out of sight in the system’s ductwork, air purifiers keep allergens as small as 0.3 from circulating through your home.
  • Energy recovery ventilators use energy captured from AC exhaust air to bring pre-filtered fresh air into your indoor environment.
  • Ultraviolet lights positioned near AC cooling coils kill biological contaminants like bacteria and viruses for a healthier home.

At Ray’s HVAC, we’re able to provide products and services that alleviate allergies and enhance the health of your home. To learn more, explore our indoor air quality solutions or call us at 847-637-5287.

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