When the seasons shift from winter to spring, you want to make sure your air conditioner is ready for warm, humid weather in Schaumburg, Illinois. To avoid costly energy bills and use less energy without sacrificing comfort, consider these energy-saving tips. Energy-efficient strategies include keeping air filters clean, sealing ducts, running ceiling fans to augment cooling and using curtains and blinds to limit solar gain.

Schedule a Spring Tune-Up

Tuning up your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system is an effective energy-saving strategy. During maintenance, technicians finetune every component of the system. Maintaining equipment lowers energy usage and enhances comfort. Clean filters can lower the energy your air conditioner uses by as much as 15%. Cleaning coils ensures proper heat exchange, which helps your AC work efficiently.

Use Fans to Keep Cool

Ceiling fans circulate air within a room, creating a windchill effect that makes you feel cooler. Experts suggest that you can raise the AC thermostat setting by 4 degrees F when using ceiling fans.

Reduce the Load

Reducing the load on your air conditioner improves energy efficiency.

  • Close blinds and curtains during the heat of the day to reduce solar gain.
  • Use heat-producing appliances in the early morning or at night when temperatures are cooler.
  • Shade trees and ground vegetation reduce the air temperature around them, which helps cool the air as it reaches your home.
  • Rooftops can reach temperatures of 150 degrees F in the summer. Shade trees, reflective roofing materials and thermal barriers can lower roof temperatures by 50 degrees F. Reducing thermal radiation that transfers into the living space lessens the load on air conditioners.

Seal Ducts

Energy Star estimates that 20% to 30% of the air moving through ducts is lost due to leaks. Unconditioned air infiltrating into ducts makes the system work harder. Sealing ducts improves energy efficiency, comfort and indoor air quality.

Ray’s HVAC provides new installations, preventive maintenance and repairs for all brands of heating and cooling equipment. Our certified technicians can help your air conditioner perform efficiently during warm weather. We offer several maintenance plans that can help extend equipment life, save energy, reduce energy costs and maintain comfort.

For more information about our commercial and residential maintenance services, call today.

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